Join us in our mission!


Our mission

ANUPUSHKAR FOUNDATION is formed to celebrate life with ever improving Health, Education and Culture

Our history

ANUPUSHKAR FOUNDATION started very recently and completed registration in years 2022-23. Trustees of ANUPUSHKAR FOUNDATION have been working on various social and environmental initiatives since years.

We work only in India

Our staff & volunteers

ANUPUSHKAR FOUNDATION is formed by people from various backgrounds, culture, tradition and location

We ask society what it needs for smiling future and then act.

Our steps are small but meaningful

Our efforts are little but impactful

Our dreams touch skies but truthful

Our people are poor but heartful

Join Us

Help Our Cause

We can accept donation only from Indian Citizens, having account in India in Indian currency

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.

Please send an EMail with your details if you wish to donate to us

Better yet, see us in action in next event

We love our society

Email us – ANUPUSHKAR (at) YAHOO . COM